Elementary Social Studies Activities (Grades 3-5)
Who Are the People of the Village?
Understands the role of the citizen in American ...
The Governor’s Appeal
Use a variety of methods and sources to understand history ...
Adaption is the Name of the Game
Understands the interactions of people and the physical ...
The Way to Go?
Understands the characteristics of different economic ...
Inventors and Their Times
Understands geographic, economic, and technological ...
Motivation Matrix
Knows the causes, key events, and effects of the Civil War ...
My City
Key Ideas: Determine the central ideas or information of a ...
A Time to Celebrate
Understands how democratic values came to be, and how they ...
Organizing Career Day!
Key Ideas: Determine the central ideas or information of a ...
From Here to There
Understands the concept of regions Benchmark: Knows the ...
Elementary Social Studies Activities (Grades 3-5) - 10-Pack
All ten of Elementary Social Studies Activities (Grades ...