Dear School People
What Are You Doing To Find And Develop My Child's Talents? 25 tough questions that are more important than, "Is my child in the Gifted Program?"
- How does my child learn best? How does your school program take into account students' personal characteristics and learning styles?
- In what academic content area(s) or extra-curricular area(s) does my child display strengths, talents, or special interests?
- What provisions does your school make for them to be recognized, valued, and developed?
- What provisions do you make to insure that students receive instruction that is well-suited to their real instructional needs?
- What specific provisions are made for students to learn at their own rate or pace, rather than being limited to a rigidly-prescribed, "lockstep" curriculum?
- What resources and materials are available to expose students to the newest ideas and developments in many fields, and to in-depth pursuit of their areas of special interest?
- How do you provide students with access to and experiences with other students and adults who share their strengths, talents, and interests?
- How do you use community resources and mentors to extend students' learning in areas of special talents and interests?
- How do you help students to become aware of their own best talents and interests and to appreciate those of others as well?
- How do you help students to consider future career possibilities and to cope with rapid change in our world?
- What provisions are made for advanced content or courses for students whose achievement warrants them?
- How are the students' needs determined and reviewed?
- What enrichment opportunities are offered that are not merely "busywork" or "more of the same" assignments?
- How do teachers provide opportunities for students to learn and apply critical and creative thinking, problem solving, decision making, and teamwork skills? How are these skills taught and used in classes, and through the curriculum?
- What other activities or programs are offered that focus on these skills? (Future Problem Solving Program?Destination ImagiNation? Invention Conventions? Others...?)
- How do you help students learn to plan and investigate everyday (or real-world problems, and to plan and conduct research, rather than relying on contrived, textbook exercises?
- How do you help students create and share the products or results of their projects and investigations?
- What provisions do you make, or what support do you offer, to create opportunities for students to explore a variety of motivating and challenging topics outside the regular curriculum?
- How do you help students learn to set goals, plan projects, locate and use resources, create products, and evaluate their work?
- What provisions do you make to help students feel comfortable and confident in expressing and dealing with their personal and academic goals and concerns?
- What specific steps do you take to insure that learning is exciting and original rather than boring and repetitious?
- How do you ensure that students are challenged to work towards their full potential ("at the edge of their ability") rather than permitting them to drift along comfortably ("on cruise control")?
- In what ways do faculty members inspire students to ask probing questions, examine many viewpoints, and use criteria to make and justify decisions?
- How does the school program help students to learn social or interpersonal skills without sacrificing their individuality?
- Have you asked me about my child, and discussed the insights I have about his or her interests, activities, experiences, relationships, and feelings about school, and in areas outside the school day?
Center for Creative Learning, LLC.